2021年11月28日 星期日

#8 What do you think is the key to success?

I think the prerequisites for success are persistence, self-reflection, and responsibility.

Success cannot be achieved in one click, you need to stick to your goals until you reach it. In this process, you also need to check yourself over and over again where you need to improved. Being responsible for one thing is also responsible for yourself.

5 difficult words

  • perspective (noun)
a particular way of considering something

Her attitude lends a fresh perspective to the subject.

  • motivational (adj)
able to make someone enthusiastic about something

They are looking for inspirational and motivational leadership.

  • perseverance (noun)

continued effort and determination

Through hard work and perseverance, he worked his way up to the top. 

  • standardize (verb)

to compare with or test by a standard

Standardized testing only tells you so much about a student's ability.

  • inversely (adv)

in the opposite way to something else

In both instances, what is normally taken to be evidence of good policy may be inversely, or simply not, related to good outcomes. 





2021年11月14日 星期日

 #7 Introduce the talk

Inside the mind of a master procrastinator

3 keywords

1.procrastinator (verb)
  to keep delaying something that must be done, often because it is                    unpleasant or boring

  Don't let procrastination take over your life.

2.relevant  (adjective)
   connected with what is happening or being discussed

   Education should be relevant to the child's needs.

3.momentum (noun)
   the force that keeps an object moving or keeps an event developing after it  has started

   You need momentum and action to move ahead this year!

Introduce the talk

He uses his own experience to tell the process of procrastination in an interesting way.He thinks everyone has procrastination, but the time when they start acting is different.He hopes that the audience can examine their own lives and don’t waste time all the time.

2021年11月5日 星期五

 #6 If you can choose, do you prefer to work from home, or to work in the office with your colleagues? Why? 

I will choose work from home.
Because it saves commuting time and money. You don't have to worry about oversleeping, and you have more time to do housework or other things.

You can eat healthier by working from home, because you can cook by yourself and no longer have to eat out. 
But there is a downside, you may become lazy because no one supervises you